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Our Partnerships

Booster Foundation aims to build strong, sustainable partnerships based on a shared vision and underpinned by our values.


Our Values

People_CMYK_Blue Responsiveness We’re guided by the needs of the communities we serve and make decisions accordingly.  
Magnifying Glass_Know-How_Digital_Blue Transparency We communicate clearly with partners and stakeholders about our decisions, directions, progress and any potential challenges.  
Leaf (Growth Icons)_Digital_Blue_2 Altruism We share our knowledge and learnings with the wider industry, so they can join us to help Kiwis improve their financial resilience.    
Hand & Heart_Digital_Blue Trust We recognise that our partners are experts in their fields, providing us with informed insights and knowledge to reach our shared goal.  
Shapes (Inclusion)_Digital_Blue Inclusion We recognise and value diversity in Kiwi communities, and are strongly committed to nurturing social cohesion, diversity and inclusion.  
Handshake_Blue Collaboration The issues are complex. However, we will make a bigger impact when we collaborate with others.  

Our Partners

Te Waha o Rerekohu Area School
Te Waha o Rerekohu Area School

Te Waha o Rerekohu Area School: Shaping financial whizz kids

Nestled beneath Te Maunga o Whetumatarau in ...

Ngā Tāngata Microfinance – My Money Kete
Ngā Tāngata Microfinance – My Money Kete

My Money Kete: Empowering financial freedom for Kiwis

The Booster Foundation is backing Ngā Tāngata ...

More than Money
More than Money

More than Money: Inspiring Pasifika youth with life smarts

In South Auckland, a transformative programme is ...

Te Whenua Group
Te Whenua Group

Te Whenua Group: Securing homes and futures

The Booster Foundation is delighted to partner with Te Whenua Group. ...


IndigiShare: Expanding the power of koha and breaking down financial barriers

IndigiShare is a charitable trust ...

“We like learning about organisations around Aotearoa New Zealand that also aim to address issues of financial resilience and inequality, particularly those deeply rooted in our communities. “ 

Anonymous My Money Kete member

“Feeling in control of your money is lifechanging. ”

Anonymous My Money Kete member

“This framework has really opened my eyes to the financial side of life as I was not educated about the topics of spending/saving in High School and University.”

CoryMore than Money
”It is very good teaching everyone about saving and also the differences between wants and needs, also helping everyone out with their own kind of struggle with money.
TupoLife Smarts
“Matua Ryno is teaching us how to use our money wisely. Koka Lisa has given us jobs in class for us to get paid into our Banqer. We can earn money by our good learning attitude and achievements. I am to listen all the time. ”
StudentTe Waha o Rerekohu Area School

“I used to buy on impulse, so now I go shopping with a list and stick to it, I’ve learnt so much I have set little goals and it feels so good.”

Anonymous My Money Kete member

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